Ca-minando Fronteras works to defend the rights of migrant people and communities. In 2002, human rights defenders from different parts of the western Euro-African border came together to found the collective and build on the synergies between them.

Drawing on our transnational, cross-cultural, anti-racist, feminist philosophy, we condemn borders as spaces of impunity. We fight to ensure that human rights are respected in these non-places by working closely with people and communities on the move.


Our aim is to undermine the necropolitics that violates the rights of migrant people and communities. We do so by collectively resisting the violence exerted by states, corporations and criminal organisations in border spaces.

We walk the borders, establishing protective environments and tools to allow human rights to be repaired and restored.


We work hand-in-hand with people and communities on the move to document and condemn the pain caused by the necropolitics of border spaces, which results in pushbacks, disappearances and deaths brought about by institutional violence.

Alongside border victims’ families, we strive to raise awareness of the dead and missing, identify victims and obtain reparations for the harm suffered.
Our presence on the ground and our telephone hotline to protect the right to life have helped save hundreds of thousands of lives on the western Euro-African border.

Our work and the work of our spokesperson Helena Maleno have received numerous Spanish and international awards.

HUMAN RIGHTS AWARD 2014 from the Unión Progresista de Fiscales (Progressive Prosecutors Union of Spain)

HUMAN RIGHTS AWARD 2015 from Consejo General de la Abogacía (General Council of Spanish Lawyers)

Award for DEFENDING MIGRANT WOMEN’S RIGHTS from Instituto Andaluz de la Mujer (Andalusian Institute of Women) (2016)

Award for DEFENDING RIGHTS OF WOMEN VICTIMS OF HUMAN TRAFFICKING from Amaranta Foundation, Spain (2017).



PUÑETAS PERIFÉRICAS AWARD 2018 from Asociación de Comunicadores e Informadores Jurídicos (Association of Legal Communicators).

GERNIKA AWARD FOR PEACE AND RECONCILIATION 2018 at the 81º anniversary of the tragedy.

Valors Award 2018 from Consejo de la Abogacía Catalana (Council of Catalan Advocacy).

Etnosur Award 2018 from Etnosur Music Festival.

SÉAN MCBRIDE PEACE PRIZE 2018 from International Peace Bureau

RECONEIXEMENT ÀNIMA 2018 from the Centre d’Iniciatives Solidàries Ángel Olaran (Centre for Solidarity Initiatives Ángel Olaran)

NATIONAL JOURNALISM AWARD 2018 from Asociación Pro Derechos Humanos de España (Spanish Human Rights Association)

EMILIO CASTELAR AWARD 2019 from Asociación de Progresistas de España (Progressive Association of Spain).

PADRE ARRUPE AWARD 2019 from the Pontifical University of Comillas.

PIMENTAL FONSECA 2019 AWARD from the International Festival of Civil Journalism of Italy.

NOMINATION FOR THE AURORA PRIZE for Awakening Humanity 2019

GARCIA CAPARRÓS Award 2020 from Memoria y Cultura Foundation

INTERNATIONAL WOMAN AWARD 2021 from Sant Quirze del Vallès’ City Council.

Honorary Award 2021 from the Progresist University of Catalonia.

Woman of Courage Award 2021 from the United Nations Anima (UNANIMA)

Extremadura Global 2021 Award from the Government of Extremadura

ACAMPA International Human Rights Recognition 2022

Humanizar 2022 Award from the Spanish Center for the Humanization of Health.